Our team is working hard to change the conversations surrounding mental health & substance use. We are pleased to offer Mental Health First Aid certification courses. For your convenience, our team provides the courses in various formats, including virtually & in-person. Let’s make a difference right here in Greene & our surrounding communities!
This course provides you with the skills necessary to recognize and help those experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis. This course also teaches you about recovery and resiliency – the belief that individuals experiencing these challenges can and do get better, and use their strengths to stay well. Building this community’s resiliency is a vital piece of this department’s work in addressing the social determinants of health affecting our community’s health.
If you or your organization is interested in receiving your Mental Health First Aid Certification, please complete this survey or give us a call at (217) 942-6961 Ext. 103. You can also schedule an appointment with a recovery support specialist here.